The DPMbox development begins by having access through an external account to the CERN network. This is time to identify the current need and decide the best way of approaching it, establishing how DPMbox will work in order to give a solution. Is necessary to decide things like where and how to host the code, under which software license will be developed, which tools will be used, scheduling, planification, documentation and so on.
2nd of June 2014First CERN stay to get used to the DPM system and its current HTTP/WebDAV frontend, a time to write some basic interaction scripts to know how the LCGDM-DAV system works. This will also be an opportunity to check the best way of tweaking the testing server configuration for the proper application progress.
30th of June 2014In this milestone the objective is to have a basic but working API/library to interact with a general WebDAV server through JavaScript. First starting with some basic read-only mode, then adding the navigation through inside links and finally going with creating, updating and deleting operations for files and collections. It's expected that the file upload functionality could be tricky.
Summer 2014After having stablished the app's foundations, let's start making DPMbox shine. This phase will be focused on the front-end development of the app, though this could lead to some refactoring on the previous developed code to manage the interface in the best way possible.
Autumn 2014Once the application is in a mature state, well tested and working as expected in a local or other testing WebDAV servers the target will be held to assembling the pieces in-site, in a real environment. Would be ideal to test not only the planned functionality but also performance and security issues.
Winter/Spring 2015After testing DPMbox at CERN facilities a time to clean all the found bugs will be needed. Also this will be a period for depuration and possible improvements, suggestions and recommendations from the CERN IT-SDC-DI section.
Winter 2015It's expected that after this final review the DPMbox interface could be considered fully functional at the level first planned, letting it settled for future development.
Spring 2015